April 20, 2015
Experts on Videography at NAB 2015
Luke Livingston of Ground Floor Video, Atlanta’s finest video production company, presented information at the NAB in Las Vegas this week on the Panasonic Px270 Pro Camera. Speaking to the industry’s best and brightest, Livingston explained how the camera’s state-of-the-art capabilities have enhanced his business by providing top quality video for his clients. Wowing the crowd with footage shot by Livingston using the new camera and explaining its many functions earned Livingston accolades from the folks at Panasonic. Bernie Mitchell says, “Thank you so much for your participation in the 270 User Experience Panel. It went really well. The tone of the discussion was exactly what I had imagined.”
Livingston’s thirty years in the video production business and his artistic skill have earned him a reputation across the country. After working in New York, Los Angeles, Tampa and Atlanta, Livingston started Ground Floor Video in 2006. A small company with a hometown feel, but big ideas and top quality equipment make Ground Floor an anchor in the video production industry.